Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Online Petition to Defeat the 4th Amendment

The Air We Breathe
Your help is urgently needed.  Please click here to sign our online petition to the members of the 30th Legislature of the Virgin Islands concerning their August 7th vote on the 4th Amendment to the HOVENSA Concession Agreement.  

The People of the Virgin Islands have not had the time or the opportunity to have real input into a decision that will impact their health and their environment—and that of their children—for  decades to come.

Please join us in petitioning those we have elected to represent us.  Tell the 30th Legislature to defeat the 4th Amendment on August 7th and to provide the People of the Virgin Islands with sufficient time and opportunity to do their due diligence and to make their voices heard concerning the future they and their children will live with for a very long time.

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